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Author | Search for: McTavish, Sean1; Search for: Barber, Hali1ORCID identifier:; Search for: Wall, Alanna1ORCID identifier: |
Affiliation | - National Research Council of Canada. Aerospace
Format | Text, Interactive resource |
Abstract | The National Research Council Canada (NRC) is engaged in a multi-year project with Transport Canada to characterize urban flow fields and to understand better the influence of typical urban flow structures on small Remotely Piloted Air Systems (sRPAS) operating in the urban environment. A study conducted in 2023 involved a field test and a wind-tunnel test of the same site in downtown Montréal, Canada (Barber, et al., 2023). The goal of the study was to acquire urban airflow data in a real environment in order to validate urban airflow characteristics from model-scale testing. Sonic anemometers were installed on rooftops in Montréal and the wind measurements from three of these rooftop-anemometers were compared to wind-tunnel tests using a 1:300-scale model.
The supplementary material provided in this document includes three-dimensional (3D) digital models of the urban environment near the anemometers used for validation in the current study. |
Publication date | 2024-12-19 |
Publisher | National Research Council of Canada. Aerospace |
Note | The file contains digital models that are provided in an interactive 3D PDF format. It may be required to enable 3D multimedia content in your PDF viewer. |
Language | English |
Peer reviewed | No |
NRC number | O-AL-2024-0063 |
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Record identifier | 8a339516-73ca-46e8-a689-986e0076e42f |
Record created | 2024-12-19 |
Record modified | 2024-12-19 |