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Author | Search for: Quilliam, Michael Arthur1; Search for: McCarron, Pearse1; Search for: Thomas, Krista1; Search for: Crain, Sheila M.1; Search for: Giddings, Sabrina1; Search for: Beach, Daniel G.1; Search for: LeBlanc, Pat1; Search for: Calderon, Ruth Perez; Search for: Lewis, Nona Aisha1; Search for: Reeves, Kelley1; Search for: Hardstaff, William1 |
Affiliation | - National Research Council of Canada. Measurement Science and Standards
Format | Text, Address |
Conference | 60th International Conference on Analytical Sciences and Spectroscopy, May 18-21, 2015, Halifax, Canada |
Abstract | Routine monitoring of shellfish for algal biotoxins prior to harvest is essential for consumer safety and is necessary for international trade. In addition to seafood, toxins of cyanbacterial origin pose risks for the use of freshwater supplies. Accurate calibration standards as well as matrix certified reference materials (CRMs) are essential for method development and validation. The National Research Council’s (NRC) metrology program produces CRMs for marine and freshwater toxins under a rigorous quality system. Marine toxins can be divided into two general categories: hydrophilic and lipophilic. The hydrophilic toxins include the domoic acid and saxitoxin groups. The lipophilic toxins include the okadaic acid group, pectenotoxins, azaspiracids, yessotoxins, and the cyclic imines. Fresh and brackish water toxins comprise compounds primarily from the microcystin, cylindrospermopsin and anatoxin groups. This poster will provide an update on the biotoxin CRMs available from the National Research Council covering both calibration solution and matrix CRMs. The high purity solution CRMs are critical for instrument calibration and general research applications, while the shellfish tissue matrix CRMs are important for verifying complete analytical methods, from sample preparation through to final data analysis. Planned future CRM developments will also be shown. |
Publication date | 2015-05 |
Language | English |
Peer reviewed | No |
NPARC number | 23002020 |
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Record identifier | 08994b47-6d85-4bd8-976c-a04ce72572e5 |
Record created | 2017-07-21 |
Record modified | 2020-05-30 |