Fabrication of nanoelectromechanical systems via the integration of high surface area glancing angle deposition thin films

From National Research Council Canada

DOIResolve DOI: https://doi.org/10.1088/0960-1317/24/6/065021
AuthorSearch for: ; Search for: 1; Search for: ; Search for: 1; Search for:
  1. National Research Council of Canada. Security and Disruptive Technologies
FormatText, Article
Subjectglancing angle deposition; nanoelectromechanical systems; thin films; nanofabrication
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Peer reviewedYes
NPARC number21273005
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Record identifier0de506a4-785e-44fe-82a8-a869c24bfbbc
Record created2014-12-05
Record modified2020-04-22
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