Radiated RFI measurement of SKA dish digitizer RXS123 in an anechoic chamber

From National Research Council Canada

DOIResolve DOI: https://doi.org/10.23919/USNC/URSI49741.2020.9321632
AuthorSearch for: ; Search for: 1
  1. National Research Council of Canada. Herzberg Astronomy and Astrophysics
FormatText, Article
Conference2020 IEEE USNC-CNC-URSI North American Radio Science Meeting (Joint with AP-S Symposium), July 5-10, 2020, Montreal, QC, Canada
Subjectanechoic chamber; RFI measurements; EMI; clock synthesizer; SKA; electromagnetic interference; clocks; Frequency measurement; synthesizers; sensitivity; power measurement
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Peer reviewedYes
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Record identifier34593ca3-585e-4455-ad44-4f003daf0500
Record created2022-06-24
Record modified2022-06-24
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