A comparative study of the thermal stability of Li1-xCoO2 and Li3-xCrMnO5 in the presence of 1 M LiPF6 in 3:7 ED/DEC electrolyte using accelerating rate calorimetry

From National Research Council Canada

  1. (PDF, 648 KiB)
DOIResolve DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/S0378-7753(03)00203-9
AuthorSearch for: 1; Search for: 1; Search for: ; Search for:
  1. National Research Council of Canada. NRC Institute for Chemical Process and Environmental Technology
FormatText, Article
SubjectEC/DEC electgrolyte; Accelerating rate calorimetry; Li3CrMnO5
Publication date
Peer reviewedYes
NRC numberNRCC 49191
NPARC number8925794
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Record identifier7dc9f894-e8ed-4263-820d-63458312fad0
Record created2009-04-23
Record modified2020-04-02
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