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Author | Search for: Fraga, W. E.; Search for: Hewitt, R. L.1 |
Affiliation | - National Research Council of Canada
Format | Text, Technical Report |
Physical description | 79 p. |
Abstract | A numerical method for the determination of stress intensity factors and stress concentration factors for cracks and notches has been presented by Nisitani. The method, known as the body force method, approximates a plate with a hole (or crack) by a plate without a hole but having body forces distributed along the boundary of the hole. This method has been implemented on the NRC-IBM 360 system and has been described in a previous report. This report describes and lists the computer programs that were used to determine the stress intensity factors or stress concentration factors for the five types of notch and crack problem described in that report. |
Publication date | 1983-11-18 |
Publisher | National Research Council of Canada. National Aeronautical Establishment |
Series | |
Note | Mr. Hewitt was affiliated with the National Research Council of Canada, National Aeronautical Establishment when he authored this report. |
Language | English |
Peer reviewed | No |
NPARC number | 23002498 |
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Record identifier | cb527461-a89b-4003-99c8-53af113e0752 |
Record created | 2017-11-17 |
Record modified | 2023-01-17 |