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Author | Search for: Janes, N. |
Format | Text, Memorandum |
Abstract | This report details the design of a buoyancy engine for use in a shallow water underwater glider AUV. There is a brief introduction to underwater gliders and buoyancy engines then five possible designs that are candidates for a suitable buoyancy engine are presented. These five candidates are then evaluated using a mathematical model to examine their system dynamics. A cost and energy analysis is also performed to help in evaluating which of the five candidates was most suitable. After the evaluation the structural layout for the best candidate will be detailed. |
Publication date | 2004 |
Publisher | National Research Council of Canada. Institute for Ocean Technology |
Place | St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada |
Series | |
Language | English |
NRC number | NRC-IOT-6011 |
NPARC number | 8895090 |
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Record identifier | daacd87b-f711-4efd-9272-55cb6119031d |
Record created | 2009-04-22 |
Record modified | 2025-03-07 |