Recrystallization model for controlling the mechanical properties obtained with batch annealed cold rolled low carbon aluminum killed steel sheets

Par Conseil national de recherches du Canada

AuteurRechercher : 1; Rechercher : 1; Rechercher :
  1. Conseil national de recherches du Canada
FormatTexte, Article
ConférenceJapan-Canada Seminar on Secondary Steelmaking : refining, casting, physical metallurgy and properties, December 3-4, 1985, Tokyo. Japan
SujetThe mechanical performance of a cold rolled batch annealed aluminum killed steel sheet depends greatly on the composition of the steel and on the thermomechanical parameters of the process. The role of carbon, aluminum and nitrogen contents as well as the coiling temperature, the cold reduction percentage and the thermal characteristics of the batch annealing treatment are reviewed in the light of new experimental results. A proposed model explaining the various effects of the processing parameters gives a consistent interpretation of the results, and constitutes a valuable tool for predicting the quality of a sheet.
Date de publication
Maison d’éditionCanadian Steel Industry Research Association
Publications évaluées par des pairsOui
Numéro du CNRCCNRC 24864
Numéro NPARC23004869
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Enregistrement créé2019-01-08
Enregistrement modifié2022-09-02
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