Surface segregation of Fe in Pt-Fe alloy nanoparticles: Its precedence and effect on the ordered-phase evolution during thermal annealing

Par Conseil national de recherches du Canada

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  1. Conseil national de recherches du Canada. Énergie, les mines et l'environnement
FormatTexte, Article
SujetAnnealing; Characterization; Electrocatalysis; Electron energy levels; Electron energy loss spectroscopy; Electron microscopes; Electron microscopy; Electron scattering; Energy dissipation; Fuel cells; Fuel storage; Image reconstruction; Iron; Nanoparticles; Phase transitions; Platinum; Platinum alloys; Segregation (metallography); Alloy nanoparticle; Atomic-resolution imaging; In-situ electron microscopy; Microscopy technique; Order transformation; Segregation phenomena; Single nanoparticle; Ultrahigh density information storage; Surface segregation
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Publications évaluées par des pairsOui
Numéro NPARC21277392
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Identificateur de l’enregistrement409aa1e8-f48b-4eee-a556-bfe53714d340
Enregistrement créé2016-03-09
Enregistrement modifié2020-04-22
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