Solvation structure and gelation ability of polyelectrolytes: Predictions by quantum chemistry methods and integral equation theory of molecular liquids

Par Conseil national de recherches du Canada

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AuteurRechercher : 1; Rechercher : 1; Rechercher : 1; Rechercher : 1; Rechercher : 1
  1. Conseil national de recherches du Canada. Institut national de nanotechnologie
FormatTexte, Article
Conférence11th International Conference on Computational Science, ICCS 2011, 1 June 2011 through 3 June 2011, Singapore
SujetAbsolute values; COSMO model; Counterions; DFT; Excess chemical potentials; Gel formation; Infinite dilution; Integral-equation theory; Interaction energies; Molecular liquids; Polymer chains; RISM; Solvation free energies; Solvation structure; Acetonitrile; Chlorine; Chlorine compounds; Coagulation; Computational chemistry; Density functional theory; Functional polymers; Gelation; Gels; Iodine; Ions; Liquids; Methanol; Oligomers; Polyelectrolytes; Quantum chemistry; Quantum theory; Solvation; Integral equations
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Numéro NPARC21271496
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Enregistrement créé2014-03-24
Enregistrement modifié2020-04-21
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