Supramolecular functionalization of single-walled carbon nanotubes with triply fused porphyrin dimers: A study of structure-property relationships

Par Conseil national de recherches du Canada

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  1. Conseil national de recherches du Canada. Institut Steacie des sciences moléculaires du CNRC
FormatTexte, Article
SujetBathochromic shift; Bulky substituents; Functionalizations; Long alkyl chains; Nanotube bundles; Nanotube surface; Nanotube walls; Porphyrin dimers; Prolonged solution; Single-walled carbon; Soret bands; Structure property relationships; Tert-butyl group; Triply fused porphyrin dimer; UV-vis spectroscopy; Bearings (structural); Dimers; Porphyrins; Positive ions; Raman spectroscopy; Solubility; Supramolecular chemistry; Surface defects; Transmission electron microscopy; Ultraviolet spectroscopy; Single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCN)
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Publications évaluées par des pairsOui
Numéro NPARC21271083
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Identificateur de l’enregistrementb5639eec-5b5d-4c3a-9699-2b496dcc49f3
Enregistrement créé2014-03-24
Enregistrement modifié2020-04-21
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