Crack growth behavior in ATI 718Plus® alloy

Par Conseil national de recherches du Canada

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  1. Conseil national de recherches du Canada. Aérospatiale
FormatTexte, Article
Conférence7th International Conference on Processing and Manufacturing of Advanced Materials, THERMEC'2011, 1 August 2011 through 5 August 2011, Quebec City, QC
SujetAlloy 718; ATI 718Plus; Cast and wrought; Crack growth behavior; Creep crack growth; Cyclic loading conditions; Engine disk; Ni-base alloys; Ni-base superalloys; Temperature range; Testing programs; Turbine disks; Turbine engine; Waspaloy; Cracks; Creep; Fatigue crack propagation; Fatigue testing; Gas turbines; Growth (materials); Mechanical properties; Software testing; Superalloys; Testing; Turbomachine blades; Alloys; Crack propagation; Nickel; Cerium alloys
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Numéro NPARC21269404
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Enregistrement créé2013-12-12
Enregistrement modifié2020-04-21
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